WOOD Real Estate | A summer full of leasing opportunities

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A summer full of leasing opportunities

A summer full of leasing opportunities

If you are the owner of a property used for rental purposes, it is your desire to keep it continuously occupied. This is doubly true for commercial properties, such as office buildings that are part of a fund portfolio. Responsibility to investors is a commitment we honour at WOOD Real Estate. We are pleased that, despite the challenging market environment in recent years, we have been able to occupy our buildings thanks to the superior care we take not only of the properties but also of our tenants. This summer was no exception, and we certainly cannot call it a "cucumber" season. In all three regions - Prague, Bratislava and Warsaw we managed to conclude interesting contracts. We are particularly looking forward to some of the tenants.


The Greenline office building in Prague 4 had a particularly successful summer from the point of view of new tenants. New contracts for a total area of over 3,500 sqm were signed by OTE, which took almost half (1,695 sqm) of this space. OTE provides comprehensive services to individual participants in the electricity, gas and environmental products markets. Another nearly 700 sqm will be occupied by the LM Clinic, an aesthetic medicine clinic offering services in dermatology, aesthetic or vascular medicine. We believe that their presence and services will be a pleasant bonus for the existing tenants of the building. We are also pleased to welcome OKIN, one of the leaders in providing comprehensive building management, to Greenline. A further 536 sqm is occupied by investment company Portu, which has been satisfied with Greenline for several years and at the end of August signed a contract extension for a further period.

We are also successfully occupying our newest Prague addition, the Green Point building in Smíchov. During the summer months, Soitron, a multinational company that provides services in IT infrastructure and networks, communication solutions, cloud solutions or robotics and automation, signed a contract for 520 sqm there.

The Harfa Office Park in Vysočany will also welcome new tenants. One thousand square metres will be occupied from November by NoArk Electric, a company that develops, manufactures and distributes electrical equipment and components. Their regional Prague office manages the activities of this multinational company throughout Europe. Another 400 m2 of space has been occupied by Evolution since September. The company is an innovator and developer of advanced IT solutions for online casinos. The company supplies the technical solutions and personnel needed to enable operators to offer a smooth and seamless 24/7 online live casino service.

With the arrival of these two new tenants, Harfa Office Park is currently 100% occupied.


Bratislava colleagues also had a very active summer leasing season. In total, they signed 14 lease contracts for a total area of over two thousand square metres. These are both new tenants and extensions of expiring contracts.

We are delighted that the popular Form Factory fitness centre will soon be opening its doors on the BBC5 building on nearly 800 m2. The newly opened Flexi Space on the BBC1 building will welcome several smaller tenants such as Clio, ChainStores SK and Real Estate Specialists.

Tenants of the Lakeside 2 office building will appreciate the new tenant in the form of a grocery store under the Malina brand. Preparations for the opening have already begun.

The Westend Tower also has new tenants. These are mostly entrepreneurs who need a smaller office as a quiet space for work.


New tenants are also expected in two Warsaw buildings from the portfolio of the WOOD & Co. office sub-fund. The Astrum office building has signed lease agreements with the railway carrier Arriva and VB Distribution, a retailer of electronic cigarettes. Sarstedt, a manufacturer of medical pipettes and tubes for diagnostics in medicine, took up residence in Concept Tower in the second half of August on nearly 300 sqm. The Polish buildings occupied a total of 683 m2 of available space.

Nové nájemce očekávají i dvě varšavské budovy z portfolia office podfondu WOOD & Co. Kancelářská budova Astrum podepsala nájemní smlouvy s železničním dopravcem Arriva a společností VB Distribution, prodejcem elektronický cigaret. V Concept Tower se usídlila ve druhé polovině srpna na bezmála 300 m2 společnost Sarstedt, výrobce lékařských pipet a zkumavek pro diagnostiku v medicíně. A total of 683 sqm of vacant space was newly occupied in the Polish buildings.

Media relations:
Marketing Manager CZ
Ivona Prokešová
Tel.: +420 604 215 523
E-mail: ivona.prokesova@wood.cz

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