WOOD Real Estate | Sustainability and innovation are paying off for Aupark Tower. Global firm signs long-term green lease.

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Sustainability and innovation are paying off for Aupark Tower. Global firm signs long-term green lease.

Sustainability and innovation are paying off for Aupark Tower. Global firm signs long-term green lease.

The right side of the Danube boasts two landmarks - the UFO observation tower
and the modern Aupark Tower. Together they are considered icons at the entrance
to Petržalka, the most populous housing estate in Bratislava.

Since the acquisition of Aupark Tower in 2018 by the financial group WOOD & Company,
the building has undergone a series of significant changes that have significantly elevated
it to a higher level.

The transformational steps include not only aesthetic and technical innovations,
but also a number of energy efficiency and sustainability measures. As a result, the property has been certified Excellent in the BREEAM In-Use category, with an A energy certificate, and is thus included in an elite group of properties.

Over the years, Aupark Tower has become not only a modern working environment,
but also a showcase of how the commercial world can be in harmony with ecological
and cultural values. Nowadays, this is one of the important attributes that determine
the choice of commercial office space. This is confirmed by the signing of a long-term green contract with a major international company for more than 7 thousand m² of space.

New look for shared areas

One of the most significant and visually striking improvements is the redesign of the common entrance areas, including the installation of the artwork "Divnô" by Czech architect Petr Vacek. This 7.5 metre-high-steel sculpture is inspired by the ballad of Janko Kráľ and represents
a harmonious blend of art and modern design.

"We planned to invest in the renovation and redesign of the building when we acquired
it in 2018, seeing the need to give it a new energy and highlight its exclusive character.
We believe in the great potential of this project to be among the most attractive office buildings in Bratislava in the long term."
says Miroslav Hilčík, Investment Manager
of WOOD & Company.

The artwork "Divnô" not only enriches the aesthetic experience of the Aupark Tower,
but also highlights WOOD & Company's commitment to sustainability and the promotion
of culture. The installation showcases the fusion of art and business, harmonizing a formal work environment.

In addition to the main installation, the work also includes four additional sculptures made from metal letters - waste from the production of the main object. The new minimalist architectural approach with the dominant piece thus adds exclusivity and uniqueness
to the space, while creating a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere.
The entrance hall is also open to the public so anyone can enjoy this work of art.

More about WOOD & Company and WOOD Real Estate

WOOD & Company manages EUR 4.5 billion of investment assets, trades on exchanges
with a turnover of approximately EUR 30 billion and advises on the most significant M&A transactions in the region. Since 1991, it has been involved in investment asset management, stock exchange trading, corporate finance advisory, bond issues and consulting services.
WOOD Real Estate focuses on active management of quality commercial real estate
as well as investments in residential and logistics development projects in cooperation
with proven partners. WOOD Real Estate actively manages properties in Prague, Bratislava
and Warsaw. The portfolio currently includes 16 projects with more than 364 thousand m²
of lettable area.

Full occupancy of offices

Aupark Tower is one of the most popular office spaces in Bratislava thanks to its lucrative location within touching distance from Janko Kráľ Park and the historical centre. This also makes it attractive for tenants, as evidenced by the arrival of more than 10 new clients
in recent years.

"The Aupark shopping centre together with the Aupark Tower office space have a rich history in Bratislava. We are already talking about a lovebrand on the real estate market,
as evidenced by the occupancy and demand for space,"
said Martin Šmigura, Local Partner WOOD & Company.

In parallel with new clients, negotiations and agreements with existing tenants on contract extensions are ongoing. Currently, Aupark Tower boasts 100 percent occupancy
of its premises. This success is the result of active asset management and the provision
of quality services.

Energy efficiency and technical innovation

Recent years have shown us that energy prices play an important role in the commercial real estate market. That is why WOOD Real Estate is working on strategic solutions
to strengthen Aupark Tower's position in this issue. The result is a reduction
in consumption by more than 30 percent and the award of a Class A Energy Certificate.

This milestone was achieved through the implementation of an energy management system and several technical improvements. The introduction of a new intelligent building management system (MaR) using artificial intelligence features and the replacement
of lighting with LED luminaires are just some of the steps that have contributed
to the building's increased efficiency.

Other innovations include improving and upgrading the cooling tower or replacing the old fan coils with new ones. Together, these not only reduce the demand for electricity,
but also contribute to the comfort of the tenants. All these factors combine to make
Aupark Tower one of the lowest operating cost buildings in Bratislava.

Sustainability is both a necessity
and the future

As global trends increasingly point towards sustainability, it is essential to adapt building management strategies and plans to market expectations. Further investments in technology, advanced lift controls and carbon footprint reduction measures are already in the pipeline.

The forthcoming installation of battery storage will support the stability of the national electricity grid and contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.
This implementation is part of a broader ESG strategy that also includes the introduction
of photovoltaic panels in the Aupark shopping centre. These will generate electricity specifically for the Aupark Tower office space.

The tenants themselves are also increasingly convinced and willing to participate
in sustainable solutions. To seal this commitment to ESG and mutual cooperation, long-term green leases are signed with tenants. In this way, both parties formally declare their interest
in investing in eco-friendly solutions, but also in motivating their employees to save energy
or separate waste more vigorously, for example.

WOOD & Company Office Subfund at a glance

The Aupark Tower is part of WOOD & Company Office Subfund's portfolio of 16 commercial properties in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. They are united by a strategic approach to their selection: an exceptional location with good prospects for appreciation, a diverse tenant mix and stable cash flow. Since its inception, the fund has delivered a 10.70 per cent return to its investors in the Euro class. Active property management is covered
by WOOD Real Estate.

Media Relations:
Marketing Manager
Zuzana Obšitníková
Tel.: +421 903 668 806
E-mail: zuzana.obsitnikova@wood.com

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