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In harmony with the environment, for the benefit of society
ESG strategy unified for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia
Corporate responsibility and a commitment to long-term sustainability are considered significant components of our business across all relevant countries. Our company is guided by the values of the WOOD & Company group, which include not only the economic health and prosperity of the company but also sustainable development.
Principles of Sustainable Portfolio
We consider the incorporation of ESG factors, data collection, their careful monitoring, thorough evaluation, and systematic reporting, along with subsequent optimization of building operations and reduction of energy and water consumption, as well as waste production reduction, to be an ongoing long-term process. We believe we are capable of fostering beneficial trends in management and governance as well.
We engage in constructive and targeted dialogue with our tenants as well as companies collaborating with us in property management.
Together, we strive to establish a sustainable approach that respects ESG goals, recognizing that it will be a long-term process of gradual adjustment and implementation of measures that will align with evolving legislation.
We consider this long-term collaboration, involving mutual exchange of knowledge and experiences, to be one of the key factors that can positively influence the achievement of ESG goals not only within the Company but also among a much broader range of our business partners and their customers.